Sunday, February 28, 2010

Again at work!

We have been working on this project since September.In this post you can see some of our posters and activities during the last two months.

Working on the month topic

In January and February our main topics were Gender and Disabilities
Our Aces students talked about the women rights, about famous women and their life, about women who inspire them the most and some of them presented their views and ideas through art.


A visit at school

Mr Maximilian Eichinger, from ACES, Austria visited our school on Friday,26 February, 2010
Primary students and their music teachers Mary Agasian and Ani Sarabian performed some extracts of diverse music , written by famous composers. 
    Mr Maximilian Eichinger had the opportunity to meet Aces students and teachers from our school in Sofia and learn more about our project work.

We showed some project products and some of our school facilities, which were our Aces pulse inspiration.

At the end of his visit  Mr Eichinger talked to our head teacher, Mrs Veselka Tepavicharova and thanked for the opportynity to visit our school.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Our visit at “Prof. Decho Denev” School for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children in the Buckston area of Sofia

On February  25, 2010 students from the 8th  grade dedicated the afternoon  to visit   “Prof. Decho Denev” School for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children in the Buckston area of Sofia.
Our Aces students gave the primary students from " Prof.Decho Denev" school some greeting cards which they made some days before the visit, some coloured pencils, crayons and paper for drawing.

The children wanted to draw and were very interested in learning some new technique.
All children were very happy to show their drawings!


All were very excited and made friends quickly!
Friends for ever!