Thursday, March 15, 2012

“Give A Book! Share a Worksheet!” initiative

We had the opportunity to read a lot of books during the project because we received many books.Many students improved their reading skills,other students just enjoyed the reading and learned a lot.We also had a lot of handouts which improved our work during the lessons.
                               Bulgarian students with some of the books they have already read.
Macedonian students during the activity.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Last moments!

                   ACES students choose the photos for the infomation posters and display.

               ACES students choose the photos for the infomation posters and display.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Project meeting in Iasi

The last project meeting with all partners was from 4Mach till 7March,2012 in Iasi, Romania.
The organisation was very good.
They met us at the airport.We waited for the opportunity to travel to our partners for some months.The winter was long and cold.The snow was so much that they had to close the borders.We decided to travel by plane.When we bought the tickets there was so much snow that we were not sure that the flight will be permitted. On 4 March the weather was nice and the flight was normal.
We arrived in Iasi at 1 o'clock.
Elena was waiting for us at the airport.We went to the hotel to check in.The weather was very cold.
In some places there was snow and icy wind.
But the hotel was nice and warm.

The first day we had the opportunity to see some parts of the city.
On Monday we arrived at school in the morning.We participated in Different activities.All the students were involved in the program.We enjoyed our stay in Iasi.It is a great city with great people!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Second project meeting in Sofia.

On 2nd and 3rd March our partners from Macedonia were on a school visit in Sofia. They had the opportunity to learn more about the oldest school in Sofia, about the city and about our ACES activities at school.