Friday, March 2, 2012

Can posters change our life?

 Loesje is simultaneously a worldwide collective of people who want to make the world a more
positive, creative place and a girl from the Netherlands. Local Loesje groups write and spread
posters all over the world, signed by the girl Loesje, with texts about everything that happens in
society. Loesje texts are mostly positive and funny, and at the same time critical, aiming to
stimulate the viewers to see things from new perspectives, and take action in their own lives.
During our Workshop the participants take part in a creative group process of making short texts
(one-liners) by a special creative text writing method that Loesje has developed. No previous
experience is needed and all participants can include topics they would like the group to write
about. It is a fun and inspiring activity!

Let's make posters about volunteering!

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